April 27, 2013

Walmart Haul

The Walmart near me has Drew Barrymore's Flower Beauty Cosmetics. 

I wanted to try a few of their products. 

While I was there, I saw the new Maybelline Display and wanted to try their new cream shadows. 

(I having a cream cosmetics high)

So I got: 

Any other stuff I should get from Flower Beauty? 
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  1. Waves of White is so gorgeous! I totally wasn't expecting the duo-chrome to show up as much as it did but I'm totally in love. I keep hoping a Wal-Mart near me will start carrying the Flower line. What are your thoughts on what you got so far?

    Jillicious Cosmetics

  2. Wave of White really is gorgeous! I can't wait to lay eyeshadow over it. I only tried Flower Lip Butter so far, and I'm liking it!
